Thursday, July 2, 2009

kitty illustration:)

I did a charcoal drawing of a cat some time back and thought of using it in an illustration. I know this kitty looks a bit scared here! i showed her hiding amongst flowers:) now m having ideas of doing more stuff in charcoal and photoshopping it with other elements........hmmm.....will be working on that over the weekend.


  1. Oh, that kitty is so pretty. You've done an awesome job drawing her, she looks very realistic! Is it one of yours?

  2. thnx duni!....nah she isn't mine:) i sketched her from an old calendar photograph!

  3. Hello Aiman!

    nice of you to stop by my blog again. Funny coincidence--I was thinking of you the other day and wondering what had happened!
    Ah, of course, you're busy with your little girl.
    I'm sure she is as lovely as you are :)

    have a nice week,

